Surgical Options For Spinal Stenosis

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Spinal stenosis occurs when the vertebra narrow, creating pressure on the spinal cord. In severe cases, the pain and potential damage to the spinal cord require surgical treatments to reduce pain and prevent permanent damage to the spinal cord. Fortunately, there are various surgical options, depending on the extent of stenosis. Enlarge The Foramen The process of enlarging the foramen, which is the canal containing the spinal cord, is one option to manage spinal stenosis.…

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Why It's Best To Have A Knee Replacement Sooner Rather Than Later

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If you struggle with chronic arthritis or other serious pain in your knee, you may be looking forward to a knee replacement at some point. Many patients put off this surgery for as long as possible. This is not surprising as knee replacement is a pretty invasive surgery with a long recovery time. But if you know you’ll need knee replacement at some point, is it really wise to put the surgery off as long as possible?…

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2 Things to Do to Recover From Your Knee Replacement

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If your knee has become so damaged that it needs to be replaced, then you may need to have a knee replacement. Before you get this procedure, you need to know how to recuperate from it so that you can have the best possible recuperation and the most successful replacement that you can get. So, what are some things that you need to do to successfully recover from your knee surgery?…

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