
2 Little-Known Ways Your Plan to Combat Infertility May Be Backfiring

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If your partner and you have been trying to conceive a child and haven’t had luck for a few months, then you have likely begun looking into methods to increase the chances of conception by changing your bedroom habits. However, if you are following commonly circulated advice about increasing your chances of conception too closely, those changes in your lifestyle may actually be backfiring. Read on to learn how those methods of increasing the chances of conception may actually be contributing to your difficulty conceiving and what to do instead.…

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What A Blood Test Will Help You Understand About Your Health

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Going to the doctor each year for a routine checkup is a great way to stay healthy, but it is also a great way to detect health problems and risks you didn’t even know you had. During a routine checkup, your doctor might suggest running bloodwork. Bloodwork involves testing your blood for a variety of different things, and it can help your doctor find issues that could affect your health.…

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Don't Let Chemotherapy Drag You Down

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For many people, chemotherapy can be a literal lifesaver. This powerful drug treatment is often used after cancer surgery to destroy or slow the growth of any remaining cancer cells in the body. Unfortunately, these treatments can come with some unpleasant side effects. And while many people can tolerate these side effects and can even return to their normal daily lives, others have much more difficulty. In some cases, these side effects can be so debilitating that a patient may actually feel that the chemotherapy is causing them more harm than good.…

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How Interactive Video Games Are Helping In Pediatric Rehabilitation

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When you think of physical therapy (PT) for children, you’re likely to envision a room filled with balancing balls, exercise bikes, treadmills and other equipment. While the use of such equipment is a common practice in most physical rehabilitation rooms, a new trend in pediatric physical therapy has emerged. This concept involves the use of video games. Interactive video games that involve body movement can help improve mobility and flexibility in children recovering from sports injuries, brain injuries and other conditions.…

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What's The Difference Between A Sonogram And An Ultrasound? Why Do I Need One Anyway?

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If you are pregnant for the first time, you probably already know that your doctor is likely to order an ultrasound of the baby at some point in your pregnancy. You may be wondering if an ultrasound is really necessary. You may also find terms like ultrasound and sonogram confusing. While the two terms refer to the same procedure, they are not exactly the same thing. Find out how they differ and why they are important to the health of your unborn baby.…

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